Early Bird Tactics: 6 Steps to Becoming a Morning Person

Embracing the dawn can redefine your entrepreneurial journey. As a seasoned investor and CEO, I’ve repeatedly witnessed the transformative power of mornings in my personal and professional life.

The early hours offer clarity, tranquillity, and potential. In this guide, I’ll share six insightful tactics that have proven invaluable to myself and many successful entrepreneurs.

Read on to discover the magic of becoming an early bird.

1: Understanding The Science of Sleep

  • The Sleep-Wake Cycle:
    Our bodies are innately wired with a circadian rhythm — a 24-hour internal clock that dictates our energy levels. This rhythm influences our hormones, body temperature, and more. Early risers often have an advanced sleep phase, which means their natural rhythm wakes them up earlier. Knowing this can be a game-changer in adapting to early rising.
  • The Power Nap:
    Sleep isn’t solely about nighttime rest. Daytime napping, especially the 20-minute power variety, can replenish energy. Historical figures, like Thomas Edison and Leonardo da Vinci, frequently took advantage of power naps. It’s not about compensating for lost sleep but recharging for enhanced afternoon productivity.
  • Quality Over Quantity:
    It’s a misconception that reducing sleep hours will cause fatigue. The quality of sleep, involving deep REM stages, is more pivotal than just the duration. Tools like sleep monitors can aid in understanding and optimizing your sleep pattern.

2: The Compounded Benefits of Time

  • The 1% Principle:
    Increasing your daily productivity by a mere 1% leads to massive yearly gains. If you give yourself just 30 minutes extra every morning, you acquire a bonus of 182.5 hours over a year. Think about it — that’s over seven full days!
  • Investing in Morning Hours:
    The extra hours aren’t just about work. Warren Buffet, an iconic investor, stresses the importance of reading and continuous learning. Those extra morning hours can be an opportunity for personal and professional growth.
  • The Quietude Advantage:
    Mornings are serene. There’s less distraction, granting a perfect atmosphere for deep work, strategic thinking, or even introspection. Use this time wisely.

3: Create a Morning Ritual

  • The Golden Hour:
    The first 60 minutes upon waking up can make or break your day. It’s a sacred time that should revolve around activities that align with your goals and values. This might be meditation, reading, exercise, or simply journaling your thoughts.
  • Physical Momentum:
    Engaging in physical activities releases endorphins — the feel-good hormones. Moguls like Richard Branson swear by their morning workout routines, attributing their daily energy and vigor to it.
  • Consistency is Key:
    The power of habit is monumental. Repeating your morning rituals creates neural pathways, making the routine second nature and the benefits compounding.

4: Technology as Your Ally

Harnessing the power of tech tools can streamline your morning routine. In a sea of productivity apps, ClickUp stands out, especially for budding and seasoned entrepreneurs.

Beyond just task management, it offers features tailored for project management, goal tracking, and even time tracking. 
The best part? It’s absolutely free.

> Give it a whirl here.

5: Fueling Your Body Right

  • Breakfast Myths and Realities
    Breakfast, termed the ‘most important meal of the day’, truly holds its weight. Fueling your body with high-protein, low-carb meals has been shown to provide sustained energy and enhanced focus throughout the day.
  • Hydration is Key
    Starting your day with a glass of water awakens your metabolism, fuels brain functions, and helps in toxin elimination. Think of it as the morning elixir for your body’s engine.
  • Mindful Eating
    Beyond what you eat is how you eat. Mindful eating, savoring every bite, not only enhances digestion but sets a calm and focused tone for the day.

6: Cultivate the Right Mindset

  • Affirmations and Visualization:
    Setting your mind’s tone is as crucial as setting your day. Successful individuals like Oprah Winfrey and Jim Carrey can vouch for the power of affirmations and visualizing success.
  • Continuous Learning:
    An entrepreneur’s journey is intertwined with continuous learning. Dedicate some of your morning hours to acquire new knowledge or skills.
  • Avoiding the Negativity Bias:
    Mornings are a pristine slate. Avoiding news or any negative input ensures you start your day on a positive note.


Mornings possess an untapped reservoir of potential. With these tactics, you’re not only optimizing your day but sculpting a more fulfilling life. Embrace the morning light, take steady strides, and watch yourself soar.

For those seeking to expand their horizons, delve deeper into investment and business creation with an array of free books and audiobooks. Dive in here.

If this resonated with you, delve deeper into these recommended reads.

Turbocharge Your Day: 5 Energy-Boosting Habits of Top Performers
Supercharge your day with top-performer habits! 🌅 Discover secrets to unstoppable energy and success. 🚀🔝💡medium.com

How I Sold My E-Commerce Store for a 7-Figure Sum: Key Takeaways
Dive into the journey of a 7-figure e-commerce sale! 🚀💰 Discover key strategies and insights. 📈🛍️medium.com

Optimize and Protect: Essential Tips for Navigating Modern Cloud Storage
Dive into the 🌐 of cloud storage! Essential tips for modern entrepreneurs to navigate & protect their data. 📊🔐medium.com

How have mornings redefined your entrepreneurial journey? Join our community discussion and stay tuned for future insights.

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